+44 (0)1292 692140
air ambulance roles


AW139 Forward Facing Observer Seat

Inter-Tec Aero offers an EASA Part 21J approved STC for design and supply of a forward facing observer seat installation due to the demand for the ability to conduct in flight observation of the cockpit onboard the AW139.

Scope of Requirement


Design and Operational Capability:

Inter-Tec Aero’s forward facing observer seat installations are designed, certified and delivered to provide maximum flexibility to meet operational demand, this includes designing the solution with multiple locations for the forward facing seat across different aircraft configurations. Key components of the solution can accommodate:

Observers Seat Installed Centrally

Observers Seat Installed Centrally


Cabin Safety Compliance

The agreed design concepts were developed into a fully approved solution meeting the specified aircraft airworthiness requirements for meeting cabin safety requirements, risk identification and hazard mitigation and crew operational safety needs. These include ensuring:


Project Management and Delivery

Inter-Tec Aero worked together with the operators and the supply chain, providing expert knowledge in the design, installation operational management and compliance approval related to the key aspects of the category of change including:

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